


来源:  天津市司法局 发布时间:  2024-06-24 14:29


Decree of Tianjin Municipal?People’s Government



No. 35



Provisions of Tianjin?Hazardous Chemical Enterprise?Safety Governance, adopted at the 17th?executive meeting of the Municipal People’s Government on July 2, 2023, is hereby promulgated and shall enter into effect as of September 1, 2023.




?????????????天津市市长 张工

Mayor of Tianjin,?Zhang Gong


July 17, 2023



Provisions of Tianjin Hazardous Chemical Enterprises Safety Governance


第一章 总则

Chapter?I?General Provisions


第一条 为了加强危险化学品企业安全治理工作,落实安全生产企业主体责任、部门监管责任、政府属地责任,防止和减少危险化学品事故,保障人民群众生命和财产安全,根据《中华人民共和国安全生产法》、《危险化学品安全管理条例》等有关法律、法规,结合本市实际,制定本规定。

Article 1?In order to strengthen the safety governance?of hazardous?chemical enterprises, implement the primary responsibility for work safety?of enterprises, the supervisory responsibility of departments, and the local responsibility of the government, prevent and reduce accidents involving hazardous?chemicals, and protect the life and property safety of the people, these Provisions are formulated in accordance with the Work Safety Law of the Peoples Republic of China?and the Regulations on the Safety Management of Hazardous?Chemicals, among other relevant laws and regulations, combined with the actual circumstances of this Municipality.


第二条 本规定适用于在本市行政区域内从事生产、储存、使用、经营和运输危险化学品的企业(以下统称危险化学品企业)的安全治理工作。

Article 2 These Provisions apply to the safety governance of enterprises engaged in the manufacture, storage, use, operation, and transportation of hazardous?chemicals within the administrative region of this Municipality?(hereinafter collectively referred to as hazardous?chemical enterprises).


第三条 危险化学品企业安全治理工作应当以人为本,坚持人民至上、生命至上,坚持安全第一、预防为主、综合治理的方针,实现危险化学品企业规划布局科学合理,本质安全水平明显提升,事故隐患及时消除,安全生产形势持续稳定。

Article 3 For safety governance of hazardous?chemical enterprises,?the people shall be oriented to, the paramountcy of the people and life shall be adhered to, and the principle of safety first, focusing on prevention, and integrated control shall be adhered to. This is to ensure the scientific and rational planning and layout of hazardous?chemical enterprises, significantly improve the intrinsic safety level, eliminate hidden dangers of accidents in a timely manner, and maintain a continuously stable situation in work safety.


第二章 监督管理责任

Chapter II Supervision and Management Responsibilities


第四条 市和区人民政府负责本行政区域内危险化学品企业的安全治理工作,承担属地管理责任,实行行政首长负责制,建立健全工作协调机制,及时协调、解决安全治理工作中存在的重大问题;支持、督促有关部门依法履行安全治理工作职责,向社会公布危险化学品企业监管权责清单。


Article 4 The municipal and district Peoples Governments are responsible for the safety governance of hazardous?chemical enterprises within their respective administrative areas. The municipal and district Peoples Governments?undertake local management responsibilities, implement an administrative head responsibility system, establish and improve a work coordination mechanism, and coordinate and resolve major issues in safety management?in a timely manner; and support, supervise?and urge all relevant authorities?performing their duty of safety management in accordance with the law,?and publish?a list of supervisory powers and responsibilities for hazardous?chemical enterprises?to the public.

Township and town peoples governments, sub-district offices, development zones, industrial parks, and port areas, among others, shall conduct supervisory inspection of hazardous?chemical enterprises within their respective administrative areas based on?their duties, and?assist the relevant authorities of the peoples?governments in performing the duties of?safety management of hazardous?chemical enterprises,?or perform such duties upon authorization in accordance with the law.


第五条 市和区人民政府应当定期召开危险化学品安全生产监管部门联席会议,安排年度监管工作,通报相关信息,研究、协调、解决危险化学品企业安全治理工作的重大问题。

Article 5 The municipal and district Peoples Governments shall regularly hold joint meetings among?departments responsible for the supervision of work safety?of hazardous?chemicals, arrange annual supervisory work, share relevant information, and study, coordinate, and resolve major issues in the safety governance of hazardous?chemical enterprises.


第六条 应急管理部门负责危险化学品企业安全治理综合工作。


Article 6 The emergency management authority?is responsible for the integrated control work of safety governance of hazardous?chemical enterprises.

The municipal emergency management department shall, in accordance with laws, regulations, and rules, formulate unified administrative inspection standards and catalogs for hazardous?chemical enterprises in collaboration with relevant departments and publish?them to the public.


第七条 市和区人民政府有关部门应当按照“管行业必须管安全、管业务必须管安全、管生产经营必须管安全”的要求,强化安全生产责任落实,履行危险化学品企业安全治理相关工作职责。



Article 7?The relevant departments of the municipal and district People’s Governments shall, in accordance with the requirements of industry overseers, business overseers, and production and operation overseers must oversee safety, strengthen the implementation of a work safety responsibility and fulfill related work responsibilities for the safety governance?of hazardous?chemical enterprises.

Departments responsible for the supervision and management of hazardous?chemicals safety, such as emergency management, public security, market supervision, ecological environment, transportation, health, and postal services (hereinafter referred to as safety regulatory departments of hazardous chemicals), shall implement safety management within?the scope of?their respective duties?of responsibility for hazardous?chemical enterprises.

The?safety regulatory departments of hazardous?chemicals?shall?cooperate with each other, and?strengthen the safety management of hazardous?chemical enterprises.


第八条 市级负有危险化学品安全监督管理职责的部门应当依法确定由其重点监管的危险化学品企业的范围;区级负有危险化学品安全监督管理职责的部门在其职责范围内依法对本行政区域内危险化学品企业实施监管。


Article 8?The municipal?safety regulatory department of hazardous chemical?shall determine the scope of hazardous?chemical enterprises under their key supervision according to law; the district safety regulatory departments?of hazardous chemicals?shall supervise hazardous?chemical enterprises within their respective?administrative areas?according to their responsibilities and the law.

The municipal and district safety regulatory departments of hazardous chemicals?shall disclose to the public their scope of supervision and a directory of enterprises.


第三章 企业主体责任

Chapter III Enterprise Primary Obligations


第九条 危险化学品企业应当具备法律、法规、规章和国家标准或者行业标准规定的安全生产条件;不具备安全生产条件的,不得从事生产经营活动。

Article 9?Hazardous?chemicals enterprises?shall meet the work safety conditions prescribed?by laws, regulations, rules, national standards, or industry standards. Hazardous?chemicals enterprises not meeting such conditions?must?not be engaged?in production and other business activities.


第十条 危险化学品企业应当落实安全生产主体责任,履行下列安全生产保障职责,每季度对落实情况进行自查,形成自查报告并建档备查:

















Article 10?Hazardous?chemical enterprises must implement their primary responsibilities for safe production and fulfill the following safety assurance duties, conducting self-inspections quarterly, creating self-inspection reports, and maintaining records:

(1)Establishing, improving?and implementing the?work?safety responsibility system for all employees, work safety rules, and safety operating procedures. The system shall specify the responsible person for each position, the scope?of duties, and the evaluation criteria, among others and strengthen the supervision and evaluation?of the?implementation of its work safety responsibility system.

(2)Guaranteeing?the input of funds necessary for work safety?conditions?as required. Setting?aside and using?work safety expenses exclusively for improving work safety?conditions.

(3)Establishing?an independent?work?safety management body or have?full-time work safety management personnel according to the law,?and to perform work safety responsibilities.?Making work safety-related business?decisions, shall hear?the opinions of its work safety management body?and work safety management?personnel.

(4)Providing?work?safety education and training for employees, employees on assignment, and interns in accordance with provisions, and truthfully?record training and assessment details; supporting?employees in enhancing their professional qualifications and obtaining occupational qualifications.

(5)The main responsible person and work safety management personnel shall?pass the assessment as required by law, and special operation workers?shall?receive special training and obtain a corresponding qualification.

(6)Conducting?routine repair and maintenance and regular testing of their?safety equipment and facilities?to ensure its normal operation; not close or destroy monitoring, alarm, protection, or lifesaving equipment?or facility directly related to work safety, or tamper with, conceal, or destroy its related data and?information.

(7)The containers or?transport vehicles for hazardous?chemicals shall?be put to use only after passing the tests and?inspections conducted by?professionally qualified testing and inspection institutions and obtaining the?safe use certificates?or safety labels.

(8)Establishing?a hazardous?chemical management system, improving management in procurement, transportation, loading and unloading, storage, custody, usage, and disposal.

(9)Establishing?a graded management and control system for?safety risks,?adopting?corresponding management and controlling?measures in accordance with?safety risk grades, and ensure effective implementation of these measures.

(10)Establishing, improving?and implementing?an examination and control system for?potential risks of work safety accidents, and adopting?technical and management measures to discover and eliminate potential risks of work safety accidents in a timely manner.

(11)Hot working, confined spaces, hoisting, temporary using of electricity, pressure plugging,?and other dangerous operations, shall arrange for special personnel to conduct on-site safety management, ensuring its compliance with operating?procedures and implementation of safety measures.

(12)Providing?employees with labor protection products?meeting?the?national or industry standards, and supervise and educate their employees on?wearing?or?using such products?correctly.

(13)For leased equipment, facilities, and workplaces, conducting?unified coordination and management on the?work?safety?of the lessee, conduct safety inspections on a regular basis, and, in a timely manner, impel the lessee to address any safety issues discovered in such inspections.

(14)Developing?emergency response plans?based on production and operational characteristics, strengthen emergency rescue drills as required, establish an emergency rescue team or appoint specialized (or part-time) emergency rescue personnel, equip the necessary devices for emergency rescue, and ensure their readiness.

(15)Participating?in work-related injury insurance,?and paying?insurance premiums for their employees according to the law.?Buying?work safety liability insurance in accordance with the provisions issued by the state.

(16)Other liabilities?stipulated by laws, regulations, and rules.


第十一条 危险化学品企业的主要负责人是本单位安全生产第一责任人,对本单位的安全生产工作全面负责。其他负责人对职责范围内的安全生产工作负责。




Article 11?The main responsible?person of a hazardous?chemical enterprise,?as the primary person responsible for the?work?safety of the entity, shall be fully responsible for the work safety of the entity. Any other person in charge shall be?responsible for the work safety within the scope of his or her duties.

The main responsible?person of a hazardous?chemical enterprise shall?organize and establish a safety technical and management team, specify the responsible person for each position, the scope?of duties, and?the?evaluation?criteria, among others.

Hazardous?chemical enterprises shall?appoint a safety director as prescribed, to assist the main responsible?person in performing the duty to?manage work safety.

Hazardous?chemical production and storage enterprises shall?employ certified safety engineers to conduct work?safety management.


第十二条 危险化学品企业的主要负责人、分管安全生产负责人、专职安全管理人员以及一线岗位从业人员的专业素质能力应当符合国家和本市规定。

Article 12?The professional qualifications and capabilities of the main responsible?person, person in charge of work safety, full-time safety management personnel, and front-line employees of hazardous?chemical enterprises shall?meet national and municipal provisions.


第十三条 危险化学品企业对重大危险源应当登记建档,进行定期检测、评估、监控,并制定应急预案,告知从业人员和相关人员在紧急情况下应当采取的应急措施。


Article 13?Hazardous?chemical enterprises shall register and maintain files for major hazard installations, conduct regular monitoring, assessment and control,?prepare emergency response plans,?and inform employees and relevant personnel of?measures to be taken in case of emergency.

Hazardous?chemical enterprises shall?clearly define the main responsible person, technical responsible person, and operational responsible person for each major hazard source within the enterprise, implementing safety responsibilities at three levels overall management, technical management, and operational management. Those responsible for safety shall?regularly enter performance records into the hazardous?chemicals work safety?risk monitoring and early warning system.


第十四条 危险化学品企业应当对重大危险源加强安全管理,利用物联网、大数据等高新技术进行24小时实时在线监控,并安排专人值守,发现问题及时整改。



Article 14?Hazardous?chemical enterprises shall?strengthen the safety management of sources of major danger, using high-tech methods like IoT and big data for 24-hour real-time online monitoring, and designate personnel for monitoring, ensuring timely rectification of identified issues.

Hazardous?chemical enterprises shall?provide real-time basic data, safety-related business and monitoring data to the safety regulatory departments of hazardous chemicals, ensuring the information is standardized, complete, true, and accurate.

Hazardous chemical enterprises must implement the disposal requirements for real-time monitoring alarms and early warning information, as mandated by the safety regulatory departments of hazardous chemicals, to ensure timely resolution of?alarms.


第十五条 危险化学品企业不得使用应当淘汰的危及生产安全的工艺、设备。

Article 15?No hazardous?chemical enterprise may use any technique or equipment which threatens work safety and shall be eliminated.


第十六条 危险化学品企业应当建立安全设备设施使用、检测、维修、改造和报废制度,确保设备设施正常运行。

Article 16?Hazardous?chemical enterprises shall?establish systems for the use, test, maintenance, improve, and retire?of safety equipment and facilities, ensuring their normal operation.


第十七条 储存危险化学品应当使用符合规定的专用仓库、专用场地或者专用储存室,并由专人负责管理。危险化学品的储存方式、方法以及储存数量应当符合国家标准或者国家有关规定。

Article 17?Hazardous?chemicals shall?be stored in designated warehouses, areas, or storage rooms that meet provisions, and be managed by designated personnel. The storage methods, techniques, and quantities of hazardous?chemicals shall?comply with national standards or relevant national provisions.


第十八条 危险化学品生产、进口企业应当按照规定办理危险化学品登记,完善企业相关信息。



Article 18?Hazardous?chemical production and import enterprises shall?register hazardous?chemicals as required and update relevant enterprise information.

Hazardous?chemical business enterprises shall?not purchase hazardous?chemicals from enterprises not licensed to produce or operate hazardous?chemicals, and shall?not deal in hazardous?chemicals without chemical safety data sheets or safety labels.

Enterprises producing, importing, or repackaging hazardous chemicals shall?make electronic tracking marks on these chemicals as per national standards and norms. Electronic tracking marks shall?reveal relevant information such as the category, quantity, and destination?of hazardous chemicals.


第十九条 危险化学品生产、经营(带有储存设施)企业及取得危险化学品安全使用许可证的企业,应当按照有关规定建立安全风险研判制度,落实相关安全风险管控措施;企业主要负责人应当按照规定对企业安全运行、安全风险有效管控等公开作出安全承诺,接受公众监督。

Article 19?Hazardous?chemical production, operation (with storage facilities), and enterprises with a hazardous?chemicals safety usage permit shall?establish a safety risk evaluation?system as required, implementing management and control?of relevant?safety risks. The main responsible?person of the enterprise shall?publicly commit to the safe operation and effective control of safety risks of the enterprise as prescribed and accept public supervision.


第二十条 危险化学品道路运输企业运输危险化学品应当取得危险货物道路运输许可,使用专门车辆及设备,不得超过规定荷载,不得违反规定混装混运。




Article 20?Road transport enterprises of hazardous?chemicals shall?obtain a hazardous goods road transport permit, use specialized vehicles and equipment, not exceed the prescribed load, and not violate provisions by mixing different chemicals during transportation.

The drivers, loading and unloading management personnel, and escorting personnel involved in the road transport of hazardous?chemicals shall?pass the examination of the transport departments and obtain the required practicing qualifications. There shall be warning signs hanging or sprayed on the transport vehicles of hazardous as required by the national standards.

The transport of highly toxic chemicals shall?be carried out in accordance with a road transport pass for?highly toxic chemicals road transport pass approved by the public security organs.

Hazardous?chemical transport vehicles shall?be equipped with a remote monitoring system, implementing real-time positioning and route recording during transport.


第四章 综合治理措施

Chapter IV Comprehensive Governance?Measures


第二十一条 危险化学品建设项目应当符合国土空间规划,落实工业布局规划及危险化学品生产储存布局规划要求。


Article 21 Hazardous?chemical construction projects must comply with spatial plans, implement industrial layout planning and hazardous?chemical production and storage layout requirements.

District People’s Governments, relevant departments, and chemical park management bodies shall?strengthen safety risk prevention and control for hazardous?chemical construction projects, implementing requirements at various stages including decision-making consultation services, project approval and confirmation, safety condition review, safety facility design review, construction, trial production, and completion acceptance.


第二十二条 危险化学品建设项目的安全距离应当符合相应类别的国家规定和标准。


Article 22?The safety distance for hazardous?chemical construction projects shall?comply with national provisions and standards for the corresponding category.

When the emergency management department or the port administrative management department receives a request for opinions on the safety distance of a hazardous?chemical construction project from the planning and resources department, they shall?provide feedback within 10 working days.


第二十三条 化工园区管理机构应当制定总体规划和产业规划,健全完善安全管理机构与管理制度,配齐配强专业安全监管人员,明确四至范围,划定周边土地规划安全控制线。



Article 23?Chemical park management bodies shall?develop overall and industry planning, improve safety management institutions and systems, adequately equip professional safety supervisory personnel, define the boundaries, and demarcate safety control lines for surrounding land planning.

Chemical parks shall?implement enclosed management in line with reality, support the construction of public projects, auxiliary facilities, and fire-fighting facilities needed for the park; build chemical safety skills training bases through self-construction, joint construction, or commissioned services; and develop intelligent safety risk control platforms to enhance safety risk prevention and control for key places and the?sources of major danger within the park.

Chemical parks with significant safety risks due to the gathering of vehicles carrying hazardous?chemicals shall?build dedicated parking areas for these vehicles.


第二十四条 负有危险化学品安全监督管理职责的部门应当制定本部门监督检查方案,确定监督检查的频次、方式、重点行业和重点内容。

Article 24?The safety regulatory departments of hazardous chemicals?shall?develop supervision and inspection plans for their departments, determining the frequency, methods, key industries, and key contents of supervision and inspection.


第二十五条 负有危险化学品安全监督管理职责的部门应当加强安全生产领域信用建设,及时将安全生产领域信用信息推送至信用信息共享平台,按照失信惩戒措施清单依法实施失信惩戒,督促引导企业自觉落实安全生产主体责任。

Article 25?The safety regulatory departments of hazardous chemicals shall?strengthen credit building in the field of work safety, timely push work safety?credit information to the credit information sharing platform, implement measures for punishing dishonesty according to the list of dishonesty punishment measures, and guide the status of enterprises?as the main body?to consciously implement their responsibilities for work safety.


第二十六条 市应急管理部门应当建设危险化学品安全生产风险监测预警系统。负有危险化学品安全监督管理职责的部门应当在系统上传本部门掌握的危险化学品企业信息、安全监管信息,并按照国家及本市的相关规定将安全生产行政执法信息归集到行政执法监督平台,实现部门之间信息共享,不断提升危险化学品安全监管水平。

Article 26?The municipal emergency management department shall?build a hazardous?chemical work safety?risk monitoring and early warning system. The safety regulatory departments of hazardous chemicals shall?upload information on hazardous?chemical enterprises, safety supervision information held by the department to the system, and collect administrative law enforcement information related to work safety?to the administrative law enforcement supervision platform according to national and municipal provisions, achieving information sharing between departments and continuously improving the level of hazardous?chemical safety supervision.


第二十七条 本市将安全生产作为中国足球彩票绩效考核的重要内容,加大考核力度,严格落实安全生产“一票否决”制度。

Article 27?The Municipality?considers work safety?as an important content of the Municipality’s performance evaluation, increases the intensity of the evaluation, and strictly implements the “one-vote veto”?system for work safety.


第二十八条 负有危险化学品安全监督管理职责的部门应当严格履行监管职责,对擅自从事生产经营的,依法予以查处。


Article 28?The safety regulatory departments of hazardous chemicals shall?strictly fulfill their supervisory responsibilities, and legally deal with those who engage in production and operation without authorization.

The safety regulatory departments of hazardous chemicals may organize joint law enforcement with relevant departments to crack down on illegal activities involving hazardous?chemicals.


第五章 安全风险管控措施

Chapter V Safety Risk Control Measures


第二十九条 危险化学品企业应当加强安全生产规章制度建设,强化全员、全过程、全方位、全天候化工过程安全管理,提升安全生产管理水平。

Article 29?Hazardous?chemical enterprises shall?strengthen the establishment of work safety?rules and systems, enhancing comprehensive safety management throughout all employees, processes, aspects, and around the clock in the chemical process to improve the level of work safety?management.


第三十条 危险化学品企业应当规范开展安全生产标准化建设,做到全员参与,实现安全管理系统化、岗位操作行为规范化、设备设施本质安全化、作业环境器具定置化;每年至少开展一次自评工作,并形成书面自评报告,及时整改发现的问题,持续改进安全绩效。


Article 30?Hazardous?chemical enterprises shall?standardize the construction of work safety and ensure the participation of all employees, achieving systematization of safety management, standardization of job operation behavior, intrinsic safety of equipment and facilities, and fixed placement of work environment tools. Hazardous?chemical enterprises must conduct a self-evaluation?at least once a year, produce a written self-evaluation?report, promptly rectify identified issues, and continuously improve safety performance.

Encouragement is given to hazardous?chemical enterprises to apply for work safety?standardization grading.


第三十一条 危险化学品企业应当建立健全并落实安全风险分级管控和隐患排查治理双重预防机制,推进双重预防机制与现行安全管理体系相融合,提高安全生产水平。

Article 31?Hazardous?chemical enterprises must establish, improve?and implement a dual prevention mechanism consisting of graded management and control of safety risks and examination and control of potential risks, integrating this mechanism with the current safety management system, raise work safety?levels.


第三十二条 大型油气储存企业应当按照相关要求开展安全风险评估并落实安全风险管控措施。


Article 32?Large oil and gas storage enterprises shall?conduct safety risk evaluations as required and implement safety risk management and control measures.

The emergency management department shall?conduct law enforcement inspections on the implementation of enterprises’?safety risk assessments and safety risk control management and measures.


第三十三条 涉及高危细分领域的危险化学品企业应当加强安全风险隐患排查治理。


Article 33?Hazardous?chemical enterprises involved in high-risk sub-sectors shall?strengthen the investigation and management of safety risks and potential dangers.

The municipal emergency management department establishes a key supervision mechanism for enterprises in high-risk sub-sectors; emergency management departments at all levels shall?increase the frequency of law enforcement inspections according to the relevant provisions on the classification of work safety?law enforcement.


第三十四条 危险化学品企业应当按照相关要求开展老旧装置安全风险评估并落实安全风险管控措施。


Article 34?Hazardous?chemical enterprises shall?conduct safety risk evaluations of old facilities as required and implement safety risk control measures.

Municipal emergency management, industry and information technology, market supervision, and other departments, in conjunction with the relevant district people’s governments, shall?organize law enforcement inspections on the implementation of safety risk control measures for old facilities of hazardous?chemical enterprises.


第六章 社会共治

Chapter VI Social Co-Governance


第三十五条 本市各级人民政府及其有关部门应当加强对危险化学品安全管理法律、法规、规章和安全生产知识的宣传,强化危险化学品企业从业人员和政府部门监管人员安全培训教育,增强危险化学品安全管理和风险防范意识。

Article 35?The?Municipality?and district people’s governments and their relevant departments shall?strengthen the publicity of laws, regulations?and?rules?on work safety and work safety knowledge concerning hazardous?chemicals, enhance safety training and education for employees of hazardous?chemical enterprises and government department supervisory personnel, and raise?the awareness for hazardous?chemical safety management and risk prevention.


第三十六条 负有危险化学品安全监督管理职责的部门应当建立危险化学品安全生产专家库,建立专家参与技术服务、监督检查和决策咨询机制。

Article 36?The safety regulatory departments of hazardous chemicals shall?establish a pool of experts in safe production of hazardous?chemicals and establish a mechanism for expert participation in technical services, supervision inspections, and decision-making consultations.


第三十七条 负有危险化学品安全监督管理职责的部门应当建立健全举报奖励制度,鼓励和接受社会举报监督。



Article 37?The safety regulatory departments of hazardous chemicals shall?establish and improve a reporting reward system, encouraging and accepting public reports and supervision.

Work safety?accidents and violations can be reported to departments responsible for work safety?supervision and management through hotlines, websites, letters, and visits.

Departments responsible for work safety?supervision and management shall?improve the processes for acceptance, verification, handling, coordination, supervision, transfer, response, rewards, statistics, and reporting of reports and complaints, promptly dealing with reports and complaints, and keeping the informants’?information confidential, protecting the legal rights and interests of reporters and whistleblowers. Awards should?be conferred on persons who have provided meritorious services by reporting hidden risks of accidents or exposing violations of law in work safety.


第三十八条 本市鼓励行业协会商会、技术机构、科研院所、保险机构等社会力量参与安全治理,为政府监管和企业安全管理提供技术服务,提升危险化学品企业安全生产社会治理水平。


Article 38?The Municipality?encourages industry associations, chambers of commerce, technical institutions, research institutes, insurance institutions, and other social forces to participate in safety governance, to provide technical services for government supervision and enterprise safety management, and to improve the level of social governance of work safety?in hazardous?chemical enterprises.

Industry associations and chambers of commerce are encouraged to strengthen industry self-regulatory, to guide enterprises to strictly implement their primary responsibilities, to maintain industry work safety?order, to resist illegal and non-compliant behaviors, and to cooperate with supervisory departments in governance work.


第三十九条 本市推进安全生产社会化服务体系建设,支持、指导、规范有关安全生产服务机构依法开展评价、认证、检测、检验、咨询、宣传和培训等安全生产技术、管理服务活动。

Article 39?The Municipality?promotes the construction of a socialized service system for work safety, supporting, guiding, and regulating relevant work safety?service organizations to legally carry out evaluation, certification, testing, inspection, consulting, publicity, and training activities in work safety?technology and management services.


第四十条 安全生产责任保险承保单位应当明确开展技术咨询服务费用比例,强化事故预防技术服务,开展风险辨识评估、事故隐患排查、安全管理培训等事故预防工作,建立事故快速理赔及预赔付等机制。

Article 40?Work safety?liability insurance underwriting entities?shall?clarify the proportion of technical consulting service fees, strengthen accident prevention technical services, carry out risk identification assessments, an examination and control for potential risks?of accidents, safety management training, and other accident prevention work, and establish mechanisms for rapid claims settlement and pre-payment.


第四十一条 鼓励大型企业集团、连锁经营企业制定、实施、推广严于国家标准、行业标准的安全生产企业标准。


Article 41?Large enterprise groups and chain-operating enterprises are encouraged to develop, implement, and promote work safety?enterprise standards that are stricter than national and industry standards.

Hazardous?chemical enterprises shall?legally strengthen the guidance, supervision, evaluation, and reward and punishment of work safety?of their subordinate entities, promote best practices in work safety, and implement unified management of work safety.


第七章 法律责任

Chapter VII?Legal Responsibility


第四十二条 负有危险化学品安全监督管理职责的部门的工作人员,在危险化学品安全治理工作中滥用职权、玩忽职守、徇私舞弊的,依法给予处分;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。

Article 42?Where any functionary of a?safety regulatory department of hazardous chemical?abuses?its power, neglects?its duties, or engages in?malpractice for personal gains in the hazardous chemical safety governance work,?a disciplinary action?shall be taken?against him/her; if any crime is constituted, he/she shall be subject to criminal responsibility.


第四十三条 危险化学品企业对安全生产保障职责落实情况未形成自查报告的,由负有危险化学品安全监督管理职责的部门责令限期改正;逾期不改正的,处二千元以上二万元以下罚款。

Article 43?Hazardous?chemical enterprises that do not form self-inspection reports on the implementation of work safety?assurance responsibilities,?the safety regulatory departments of hazardous chemicals?shall order?them to correct within a specified period; and if it?fails?to take corrective action?within the specified?period,?it shall be given a fine of not less than?2,000 yuan nor more?than 20,000 yuan.


第四十四条 危险化学品企业重大危险源安全包保责任人未在危险化学品安全生产风险监测预警系统中定期录入履职记录的,由负有危险化学品安全监督管理职责的部门责令限期改正;逾期不改正的,处一千元以上一万元以下罚款。

Article 44?The person responsible for the safety package of major hazard sources of hazardous?chemical enterprises who does not regularly enter performance records into the hazardous?chemical work safety?risk monitoring and early warning system,?the safety regulatory departments of hazardous chemicals shall order?them?to correct within a specified period; and if it?fails?to take corrective action?within the specified?period, it shall be given?a fine of not less?than 1,000 yuan nor more?than 10,000 yuan.


第四十五条 危险化学品企业未按照规定实时向负有危险化学品安全监督管理职责的部门提供基础数据、与安全有关的业务及监测数据等信息的,由负有危险化学品安全监督管理职责的部门责令限期改正;逾期不改正的,处二千元以上二万元以下罚款。

Article 45?Hazardous?chemical enterprises that do not provide basic data, safety-related business and monitoring data, and other information to the safety regulatory departments of hazardous chemicals?as required,?the safety regulatory departments of hazardous chemicals?shall order?them?to correct?within a specified period; and if it?fails?to take corrective action?within the the specified period, it shall be given a fine of not less than 2,000 yuan nor more?than 20,000 yuan.


第四十六条 危险化学品企业未按照规定落实负有危险化学品安全监督管理职责的部门对实时监测报警、预警信息处置要求的,由负有危险化学品安全监督管理职责的部门责令限期改正,并处五千元以上三万元以下罚款。

Article 46?Hazardous?chemical enterprises that do not implement the requirements of the safety regulatory departments of hazardous chemicals for the disposal of real-time monitoring alarms and early warning information, the safety regulatory departments of hazardous chemicals?shall order?them?to correct within a specified period and be given a fine of not less than 5,000 yuan nor more than 30,000 yuan.


第四十七条 危险化学品企业主要负责人未按照规定对企业安全运行状态、安全风险有效管控等公开作出安全承诺的,由负有危险化学品安全监督管理职责的部门处警告或者一千元以上一万元以下罚款。

Article 47?The main responsible?person of hazardous?chemical enterprises who does not publicly make safety commitments on the enterprise’s safe operation status and effective control of safety risks as required,?the safety regulatory departments of hazardous chemicals shall issue a warning or impose a fine not less than 1,000 yuan nor?more than 10,000 yuan.


第四十八条 负有危险化学品安全监督管理职责的部门发现违法事实涉嫌犯罪的,应当将犯罪线索移送具有侦查、调查职权的机关。

Article 48?The safety regulatory departments of hazardous chemicals?that discover facts of illegality suspected of crimes shall?transfer the criminal clues to agencies with investigative and investigative powers.


第四十九条 法律、法规、规章对违反危险化学品安全管理的行为有明确行政处罚规定的,依照其规定。

Article 49?If there are clear administrative punishment provisions?in any?laws, regulations, and rules on the?acts violating hazardous?chemical safety management, such provisions shall apply.


第八章 附则

Chapter VIII Supplementary Provisions


第五十条 本规定所称危险化学品,是指具有毒害、腐蚀、爆炸、燃烧、助燃等性质,对人体、设施、环境具有危害的剧毒化学品和其他化学品。





Article 50?For the purpose of this Provision, the term of hazardous chemicals refers to the highly toxic chemicals and other chemicals which are toxic, corrosive, explosive, flammable or combustion-supporting and can harm people, facilities or the environment.

The safety management of chemicals?subject to control as well as drugs and pesticides which fall within the category of hazardous?chemicals shall be governed by this?Provision.?If there are different?provisions in any law or administrative regulation, such provisions shall apply.

The safety management of explosives?for civil use, fireworks and crackers, radioactive substances, nuclear substances and hazardous?chemicals used for scientific research and production for national defense shall not be governed by this?Provision.

If there are different provisions in any laws, regulations, or?rules on?the safety management of fuel gas, such?provisions shall apply.

The safety management of hazardous?chemical containers which are treated as special equipment shall be governed by?laws, regulations, and rules on the safety of?special equipment.


第五十一条 本规定所称危险化学品建设项目,是指在本市行政区域内新建、改建、扩建危险化学品生产、储存的建设项目以及伴有危险化学品产生的化工建设项目。包括危险化学品长输管道建设项目,不包括危险化学品的勘探、开采及其辅助的储存,原油和天然气勘探、开采及其辅助的储存、海上输送,城镇燃气的输送及储存等建设项目。

Article 51?For the purpose of this Provision, the term of hazardous?chemical construction projects refers?to the?building, renovating and enlarging construction projects for?production and storage hazardous?chemicals within the administrative area of the Municipality, as well as chemical construction projects that involve the production of hazardous?chemicals. This includes long-distance pipelines?construction projects for hazardous?chemicals but does not include the exploration, mining, and auxiliary storage of hazardous?chemicals, the exploration, mining, and auxiliary storage of crude oil and natural gas, offshore transportation, and the transportation and storage of urban gas and other construction projects.


第五十二条 本规定自2023年9月1日起施行。天津市人民政府2015年9月7日公布的《天津市危险化学品企业安全治理规定》(2015年市人民政府令第22号)同时废止。

Article 52?These Provisions shall come into force?on September 1, 2023. Provisions of Tianjin Hazardous Chemical Enterprise Safety Governance?promulgated by the Tianjin Municipal People’s Government on September 7, 2015 (Order No. 22 of the Municipal People’s Government in 2015) shall be repealed simultaneously.

