Order?of Tianjin Municipal People’s Government
Measures of?Tianjin?Municipality for Administration of Motor Vehicle Parking,?as?adopted at the 211th executive meeting of the Municipal People’s Government on December 9, 2022, is hereby issued, and shall come into force on?March 1, 2023.
?????????????????????????天津市市长 张工
?????????????????????????Zhang Gong, Mayor of Tianjin
December 19, 2022
Measures of Tianjin Municipality for Administration of Motor Vehicle Parking
第一章 总则
Chapter I General Provisions
第一条 为加强本市机动车停车管理,规范停车秩序,提升停车服务水平,保障城市道路安全畅通,根据有关法律、法规,结合本市实际情况,制定本办法。
Article 1?These Measures are formulated for the purposes of strengthening?the administration of motor vehicle parking,?regulating the order of?parking, improving?the level of parking services, and ensuring?the safety and smoothness of urban roads in accordance with relevant laws and provisions and in light?of the actual circumstances?of this Municipality.
第二条 本市行政区域内机动车停车场的规划、建设、使用和机动车停放管理,适用本办法。
Article 2?These Measures shall apply to planning, construction, use and administration?of motor vehicle parking within their respective administrative regions of this Municipality.
As used in these Measures,?the term “motor vehicle parking lots” refers to the places for?motor vehicle?parking, including public parking lots, special parking lots and road parking berths, excluding places where buses, taxis, trucks and other professional transport vehicles and motorcycles and non-motor vehicles are parked.
The term “Public parking lots” refers to the places that are open to the public and that provide motor vehicle parking services for the public, including public parking lots built independently according to the plan, public parking lots built with construction projects, and temporary parking lots.
The term “special parking lots” refers?to the motor vehicle parking lots?for the internal use of an entity?or a residential area.
The term “road parking berths” refers?to the places that are designated uniformly within the urban roads and that provide temporary parking services for motor vehicles for the public?in accordance with law.
第三条 本市机动车停车管理坚持科学规划、合理布局、统筹建设、规范管理、安全便民的原则。
Article 3?The parking administration?concerning motor vehicles in this Municipality?adheres to the principles of scientific planning, reasonable layout, overall planning, standardized administration, safety and convenience.
第四条 市人民政府应当加强对本市机动车停车管理工作的组织领导,将机动车停车纳入城市综合交通体系,建立健全停车管理工作协调机制,解决机动车停车管理工作中的重大问题。
Article 4?The municipal people’s government shall strengthen the organization and leadership of motor vehicle parking administration?in this Municipality, incorporate motor vehicle parking into the urban comprehensive transportation system, establish and improve the coordination mechanism of parking administration, and solve major problems in motor vehicle parking administration.
The district people’s governments?shall in accordance with the principle of territorial control, organize the administration?of motor vehicle parking within their respective administrative regions.
The township people’s governments and sub-district offices shall do a good job in the administration?of motor vehicle parking within their respective jurisdiction.
第五条 市城市管理部门是本市机动车停车管理的主管部门。市公用事业管理部门负责本市机动车停车管理的统筹协调、监督检查,负责机动车停车场的停车秩序管理、违法停车治理和停车收费监督管理。
Article 5?The municipal urban management department is the appropriate department of motor vehicle parking administration?in this Municipality.?The municipal public utility management department is responsible for the overall planning and?coordination, supervision and inspection of motor vehicle parking administration?in this Municipality, and is responsible for the administration of road parking order, the governance of illegal parking?and parking charge supervision and management of motor vehicle parking lots.
The district urban management departments?shall be?responsible for the specific administration?of motor vehicle parking within their respective?administrative areas.
The administrative departments for?development, resource planning, housing and urban construction, public security, finance, transportation, market etc. shall, in accordance with their respective duties, contribute to the success of motor vehicle parking administration.
第六条 按照“谁投资、谁受益”的原则,本市鼓励社会资本参与公共停车场的投资建设和经营管理。
Article 6?In accordance with the principle of whoever invests benefits, this Municipality encourages social capital to participate in the investment, construction and administration?of public parking lots.
第七条 本市鼓励对违法停车、违法从事停车经营、擅自设置障碍物等行为进行举报,鼓励开展维护停车秩序等志愿活动,倡导合理用车、绿色低碳出行。
Article 7 This Municipality shall encourage the reporting of illegal parking, illegal parking operations, and unauthorized obstacles, encourage voluntary parking activities such as maintaining the parking order, and advocate rational use of cars and green and low-carbon travel.
第八条 本市有序推进停车服务、管理和执法的智能化、信息化建设,引导停车场经营者利用互联网技术提高服务水平。
Article 8 This Municipality shall orderly promote the intelligent?and information-based?construction of parking service, management and law enforcement, and guide parking lot operators to improve their service level?by using?Internet technologies.
第二章 停车场规划与建设
Chapter II Planning and Construction of Parking Lots
第九条 市城市管理部门应当会同市规划资源、公安等部门编制本市机动车停车设施专项规划,报市人民政府批准后实施。
Article 9 The municipal urban management department shall, jointly with the municipal planning resources, public security and other departments, prepare a special plan for motor vehicle parking facilities in this Municipality and be submitted to the Municipal People’s Government for approval before implementation.
The special planning of motor vehicle parking facilities shall?be based on the territorial space plans and urban comprehensive transportation system plans, distinguish the functional requirements of different regions, make overall arrangements for the use of ground?and?underground space, and reasonable layout parking facilities according to the differentiated supply strategy and intensive and compact development mode.
The district people’s governments?shall, in accordance with?the special planning for?parking facilities of motor vehicles of?this Municipality, formulate the annual implementation plans?in?their respective?administrative areas?and organize the?implementation?of such plans.
第十条 在城市公共交通枢纽、轨道交通外围站点、公路客运站等可以实现自驾车辆与公共交通换乘的地段,应当规划建设公共停车场,鼓励和引导公众换乘公共交通工具出行。
Article 10?In urban public transport hubs, rail transit peripheral stations, highway passenger stations and other areas where self-driving vehicles may?transfer with public transport, public parking lots shall?be planned and constructed to encourage and guide the public to transfer to public transport.
第十一条 市和区人民政府应当加强独立新建公共停车场用地保障,其土地供应方式按照国家和本市有关规定确定。
Article 11 The municipal and district people’s governments?shall strengthen the guarantee of land use for independent new public parking lots, and the land supply mode shall be determined in accordance with the relevant provisions of the state and this Municipality.
第十二条 市城市管理部门应当会同市规划资源、住房城乡建设、公安等部门,编制或者修订本市建设项目停车场配建标准,根据不同项目使用性质和停车需求,合理确定配建指标,并根据交通发展变化适时评估调整。市住房城乡建设管理部门负责发布本市建设项目停车场配建标准。
Article 12?The municipal urban administrative department shall, in conjunction with the municipal planning and resources, housing and urban and rural construction, public security and other departments, formulate?or revise the standards for the allocation of parking lots for construction projects in the Municipality, reasonably determine the allocation indicators according to the nature of use and parking needs of different projects, and evaluate and adjust them according to the changes in traffic development. The municipal housing and urban and rural construction administration?department is responsible for issuing the parking lot allocation standards for construction projects in the Municipality.
第十三条 新建、改建、扩建的公共建筑、商业街区、居住区、大(中)型建筑等,应当按照国家和本市相关标准和规范配建、增建停车场,并纳入联合验收。与主体工程同步配建、改建或者扩建的停车场,应当与主体工程同步设计、同步施工、同步验收、同步交付使用。
Article 13 Accessory?and additional parking lots shall be constructed in newly?constructed, reconstructed or expanded public buildings, commercial blocks, residential quarters, large (medium-sized) buildings, etc. in accordance with the relevant standards and norms of the State and this Municipality, and shall be included in the joint acceptance. The accessory, reconstructed?or expanded parking lots with the main works?shall be simultaneously designed, constructed, accepted and delivered for use with the main works.
If the parking berths?of completed public buildings, commercial blocks, residential areas and large (medium-sized) buildings are insufficient, they shall?be reconstructed?or expanded in time.
The parking lot put into use shall not be arbitrarily stopped or used for other purposes without authorization.
第十四条 停车场建设应当符合停车场设计规范,配套建设照明、通讯、排水、通风、消防、视频监控、停车引导等设施,设置无障碍专用停车泊位和无障碍设施、交通安全和防汛设施设备,按照规定设置电动汽车充电设施或者预留建设安装条件。
Article 14?The construction of parking lots shall conform to the design specifications of parking lots, supporting the construction of lighting, communication, drainage, ventilation, fire control, video surveillance, parking guidance and other facilities, setting up barrier-free special parking berths and barrier-free facilities, traffic safety and flood control facilities and equipment, and setting up electric vehicle charging facilities or reserving construction and installation conditions according to provisions.
第十五条 本市鼓励建设停车楼、地下停车场、机械式立体停车库等集约化停车场。
Article 15?This Municipality encourages the construction of intensive parking lots such as parking buildings, underground parking lots and mechanical three-dimensional parking garages.
The installation, use, repair, maintenance, inspection, testing, etc. of mechanical three-dimensional parking equipment shall comply with the relevant provisions of the state and this Municipality on special equipment to ensure the safe use.
Article 16?The district people’s governments?may?organize?and coordinate the establishment of temporary parking lots?on?idle sites such as idle factory areas, vacant?corner areas,?lands to be built?and berths?under bridges.
第十七条 建筑区划内,规划用于停放机动车的车位、车库应当首先满足业主的需要,其归属由当事人通过出售、附赠或者出租等方式约定。
Article 17?In the zoning lot, the planned?parking berths?and garages for parking motor vehicles shall first be used to meet the needs of the owners, and the?ownership shall be agreed upon by the parties by such means as sale, additional gift, and lease.
The roads or other berths?co-owned by the owners,?which are used for parking vehicles,?belong to all the owners.
第十八条 老旧居住区、医院、学校、商业街区等停车问题突出的区域,区人民政府应当研究制定停车综合改善方案并组织实施。
Article 18 Old residential quarters, hospitals, schools, commercial blocks and other areas with prominent parking problems, the district people’s governments?shall?study and formulate comprehensive improvement plans for parking and organize their implementation.
Article 19 Encourage organs, enterprises and public institutions to open parking lots to the public on the premise of strengthening safety administration. Encourage commercial facilities, office buildings, tourist attractions, stadiums and other parking lots to open to the public in free time. Encourage residential quarters to open parking lots to the public at the appropriate?times?on the premise of ensuring safety and meeting basic parking needs.
第二十条 在城市道路范围内,在不影响行人、车辆通行的情况下,公安机关交通管理部门会同公用事业管理等部门可以施划道路停车泊位,向社会公布并适时动态调整。区人民政府需要设置道路停车泊位的,应当经市公安机关交通管理部门、市公用事业管理部门同意。
Article 20 When?the passage of pedestrians and vehicles is not affected, the traffic management departments?of the public security organ, in conjunction with the public utility management departments, may delimit?road parking berths?within the scope of urban roads, announce them to the public and make timely and dynamic adjustments. If the district people’s governments?need to set up road parking berths, it shall be approved by the traffic management department of the municipal public security organ and the municipal public utilities management department.
Delimiting?road parking berths?shall conform to the?state and this municipality’s?relevant provisions, technical requirements,?and standards.
第二十一条 设置道路停车泊位应当严格实行总量控制,与区域停车需求状况、车辆通行条件和道路承载能力相适应,保障道路交通安全、畅通、有序。
Article 21 The establishment of road parking berths?shall?strictly be subject to total quantity?control, and be commensurate with the regional parking demand, vehicle traffic conditions and road carrying capacity, and ensure the safety, smoothness and order of road traffic.
If the parking lot around the road meets the basic parking demand, the road parking berths?may?be reduced or gradually cancelled.
Unified numbering administration?is implemented for road parking berths?in this Municipality.
第二十二条 任何单位和个人不得擅自设置道路停车泊位,不得在道路上使用地桩、地锁、锥筒等物体妨碍车辆停放和通行。
Article 22?No entity?or individual may discretionally set up road parking berths, and objects such as ground piles, ground locks, cones, etc. may not be used on the road to hinder the parking and passage of vehicles.
第二十三条 有下列情形之一的,公安机关交通管理部门应当撤除或者临时撤除道路停车泊位:
Article 23 In case any of the following circumstances occurs, the traffic administrative departments?of the public security organs?shall remove or temporarily remove the road parking berths:
(1)In case of emergency or changes in road traffic conditions, road parking has affected the normal passage of vehicles;
(2)The construction and maintenance of urban infrastructure or other public welfare projects require the removal or temporary removal of the road parking berths.
第二十四条 举办大型活动,承办者应当协调活动举办场所及周边的停车场提供停车服务,并向公安机关交通管理部门报告。
Article 24 Sponsors of?large-scale activities?shall coordinate the parking services of?the activity venues?and the surrounding areas to provide parking lots, and report to the traffic administrative departments?of the public security organs.
The traffic administrative departments of the public security organs?shall formulate motor vehicle guidance plans?for the activity venues and surrounding areas. Temporary parking areas may?be set up?on the surrounding roads where conditions allow, and the parking time shall be specified.
第三章 停车场管理
Chapter III Parking Lot Administration
第二十五条 政府投资建设的公共停车场、临时停车场,应当采取招标、拍卖等方式确定停车场经营者。
Article 25?For public parking lots and temporary parking lots invested by the government, the operators of parking lots shall be determined through?bidding and auction, etc.
The public parking lot constructed with social investment shall be operated and managed by the owner or entrusted by the owner.
第二十六条 区人民政府负责对道路停车泊位进行管理,也可以采取向社会购买服务的方式,委托专业化停车企业对道路停车泊位进行管理。委托过程应当公开透明并签订书面协议,明确双方权利义务、不得转包、协议期限、终止协议的情形等内容。
Article 26?The district people’s government?is responsible for the administration?of road parking berths, it may through purchase of services from the public, entrust specialized parking enterprises to administrate?road parking berths?. The entrusting?process shall?be open and transparent, and a written agreement shall?be signed to clarify the rights and obligations of both parties, the non-subcontracting requirements, the term of the agreement, and the circumstances of termination of the agreement, etc.
第二十七条 道路停车泊位收入纳入政府非税收入管理,实行收支两条线,收入全额上缴区级财政,用于道路停车设施维护、停车智能化建设管理和公共停车场建设,不得挪作他用,并定期向社会公开。
Article 27?The income of road parking berths?shall be included in the administration of?non-tax revenue of the governments.?Revenues?and expenditures?shall be divided. The full amount of revenues shall be turned over to the district-level finance for the maintenance of road parking facilities, the intelligent construction administration?of parking berths?and the construction of public parking lots, and shall not be?misappropriated for any other purpose, and shall be regularly?disclosed to the public.
第二十八条 停车场经营者应当依法办理营业执照、税务登记等相关手续,并在停车场正式经营前15日内,向停车场所在地的区城市管理部门报送下列材料:
Article 28?The operators?of the parking lots?shall get?the business license, tax?collection registration and other relevant procedures according to law, and submit the following materials to the district urban?management?department where the parking lot is located within 15 days before the parking lot is officially operated:
(1)Business license;
(2)Proof of land use right;
(3)Parking lot plan, including entrance and exit, signs and markings, parking space setting, etc.;
(4)List of parking facilities and equipment;
(5)Parking fee standard;
(6)Safety management system and emergency response plan.
The operator of the parking lot shall notify the district urban management?department within 15 days from the date of stopping operation.
Article 29 The municipal urban management department shall establish a unified intelligent administration?service system for motor vehicle parking in the whole Municipality, dynamically manage the information of public parking lots and road parking berths, announce the information of parking lot location, number of parking berths, usage and charging standards to the public, promote the application of intelligent parking guidance system, and share relevant management information with traffic administration of the public security organs, transportation and other departments.
The district people’s government?shall, according to the intelligent administration?service system of motor vehicle parking in this Municipality, establish a regional parking guidance system,?as so to guide the orderly parking of vehicles.
第三十条 公共停车场、道路停车泊位应当接入机动车停车智能管理服务系统,提供实时停车泊位等信息。
Article 30?Public parking lots and road parking berths?shall be connected to the intelligent management service system of motor vehicle parking, and provide real-time parking berths?and other information.
Encourage the parking lot to strengthen the intelligent construction, realize the service functions such as information inquiry, parking space reservation, electronic payment, quick payment without parking, etc., and improve the use efficiency of parking facilities.
第三十一条 机动车停车场收费分为政府定价、政府指导价、市场调节价,其中政府投资的公共停车场、道路停车泊位实行政府定价、政府指导价管理,其他停车场实行市场调节价。实行政府定价、政府指导价的停车收费标准由市发展改革部门会同市城市管理部门、市公安机关交通管理部门制定。
Article 31 Charges for motor vehicle parking lots are divided into the price set by the government, based on government?and determined by the market, among which government-invested public parking lots and road parking berths?are subject to the fixed and directive pricing of the government management, while other parking lots keep their prices determined by the market. The parking charge standard with the fixed and directive pricing of the government shall be formulated by the municipal development and reform department in conjunction with the municipal urban management department and the?municipal?traffic administrative?department of the public security organ.
The district people’s government is responsible for determining whether the road parking berths?within their?respective administrative regions, and determining the charging area categories of road parking berths?and related parking lots according to provisions.
第三十二条 停车场经营者应当遵守下列规定:
Article 32?The?operators?of parking lots?shall observe the following stipulations:
(1)Set up a signboard at a conspicuous place of the parking lot,?clearly indicate its?name of the parking lot, number of parking berths, the opening time and complaint hotlines;
(2)Draw up management?rules?for vehicle parking, safety protection, fire and?flood control;
(3)Install complete illumination facilities and parking meters to ensure the normal operation of parking facilities;
(4)Publicize the charging standards according to the relevant requirements and implement marked?pricing. Parking fees?shall be charged according to the prescribed charging standards for those who implement the fixed price and directive price system of the government;
(5)Direct the entrance, exit and parking of vehicles in sequence;
(6)Attendants shall be attired with tags;
(7)Do not carry out activities affecting?the passing and parking of vehicles?in the parking lot;
(8)Other provisions of the State and this Municipality on parking administration?services.
第三十三条 机动车停车行业组织应当依照章程建立健全行业自律制度,认真履行社会责任,参与停车相关政策、行业标准、规范的研究制订和宣传贯彻,指导会员规范经营、诚信经营,维护会员合法权益,开展行业服务质量评价和培训,提高停车服务质量。
Article 33 Motor vehicle parking industry organizations shall establish and improve industrial self-regulatory rules in accordance with the articles of association, earnestly fulfill their social responsibilities, participate in the research, formulation, publicity and implementation of parking-related policies, industry standards and norms, guide their members to operate in a well-regulated and honest manner, safeguard their legitimate rights and interests?of their members, and organize the evaluation of the quality of industry service and improve the?quality of?parking services.
第四章 停车行为管理
Chapter IV Parking Behavior Administration
第三十四条 停车人应当遵守下列规定:
Article 34?Parkers?shall observe the following stipulations:
(1)Follow?the guidance?of the parking attendants?and park the vehicles into?the parking berths;
(2)Do not damage?the?parking facilities and equipment;
(3)Do not load flammable, explosive, poisonous and other dangerous articles;
(4)Pay parking charges?for parking as stipulated;
(5)Do not occupy or block the passageways?of fire engines;
(6)Other provisions of laws and provisions on motor vehicle parking.
第三十五条 接送幼儿园、小学、中学学生的机动车,应当在学生上下学时段,按照规定有序停车,即停即走,不得影响其他车辆通行。
Article 35?Motor vehicles picking?up and dropping?off students at kindergartens, primary schools,?and middle schools shall park?orderly during the times?when students are arriving at and leaving school, ensuring?stop-and-go?movement?without affecting?other vehicles’?traffic.
Article 36?Motor vehicles entering and leaving parking lots, passenger stations, shopping malls, hospitals, etc., when the parking berths?are full and entry is not possible, except for the designated temporary waiting areas, they are not allowed to occupy roads and wait in line.
Stations, airports, kindergartens, schools, hospitals and other entities?shall take reasonable measures to assist the traffic administrative departments of the public security organs?in maintaining the traffic order of the surrounding roads.
第五章 法律责任
Chapter V Legal Liability
第三十七条 违反本办法规定的行为,法律、法规已有处罚规定的,从其规定。
Article 37?For actions that violate?the provisions of these measures, if there are already penalties stipulated by laws and provisions,?then those stipulations shall apply.
第三十八条 违反本办法第十三条第三款规定,已投入使用的停车场擅自停止使用或者改作他用的,由公安机关交通管理部门责令限期改正,并可按设计泊位数每一泊位处1000元以上2000元以下罚款。
Article 38?In violation of the provisions of Paragraph 3?of Article 13 of these Measures, if an in-use parking lot is stopped?or used for other purposes without authorization,?the traffic administrative departments?of the public security organs?shall order them to take?corrective action?during a specified period, and may impose a fine of more than 2,000 yuan on the 1,000 yuan of each berth according to the designed number of berths.
Article 39 In violation of the provisions of Article 22 of these Measures, if one sets up road parking berths?without authorization, or uses ground piles, ground locks, cones and other objects on the road to hinder the parking and passage of vehicles, the traffic administrative departments?of the public security organs?shall order them to take?corrective action?during a specified period and may impose a?fine?of not less than?200 yuan nor more than 1,000 yuan.
第四十条 停车场经营者违反本办法第二十八条规定,未向区城市管理部门报送相关材料的,由区城市管理部门责令限期改正;逾期不改正的,处1万元罚款。
Article 40?If parking lot operators?violate the provisions of Article 28 of these Measures by failing?to submit relevant materials to?the district urban management departments, the district urban management departments?shall order them?to take?corrective action?during a specified period; and if they?fail to do so, impose a fine of 10,000?yuan.
第四十一条 停车场经营者违反本办法第三十二条第一项、第二项、第三项、第五项、第六项、第七项规定的,由区城市管理部门责令限期改正;逾期不改正的,处2000元以上1万元以下罚款。
Article 41?If parking lot operators?violate the provisions of Paragraphs?1, 2, 3, 5, 6?and 7?of Article 32 of these Measures, the district urban management departments?shall order them?to take corrective action during a specified period; and if they?fail to do so, impose a fine of not less than?2,000 yuan nor more than 10,000?yuan.
In violation?of the provisions of Paragraph?4?of Article 32 of these Measures,?parking lot operators?shall be punished by the market supervision and management departments?in accordance with the provisions of relevant laws, regulations and rules.
第四十二条 停车人未按照规定缴纳停车费用驶离道路停车泊位的,区城市管理部门应当通知其自驶离道路停车泊位之日起三十日内缴纳停车费用;三十日期满未缴纳的,区城市管理部门应当进行催缴,停车人应当在三十日内及时补缴欠费;经催缴仍未缴纳的,由区城市管理部门责令补缴,并处100元以上500元以下罚款。
Article 42?If parkers?leave the road parking berth without paying the parking fee?in?accordance with?the provisions, the district urban management departments?shall notify them?to pay the parking fee within 30 days from the date of leaving the road parking berth; if the parking fee?is?not paid after thirty days, the district urban management departments shall request payment and the parkers?shall then?pay the arrears promptly; if the call is still unpaid, the district urban management departments?shall order them?to make up the overdue payment and impose a fine of not less?than 100 yuan but not more?than 500 yuan.
Article 43?If parking lot operators?and parkers?are subjected?to administrative punishment in violation of these Measures, the relevant administrative departments shall push the illegal information to the credit information sharing platform according to the provisions.
Article 44?If the urban management departments?and other relevant departments fail to perform their duties in accordance with these Measures, the relevant departments?of the people’s government at the same level or?a higher level shall order them?to take corrective action; if the circumstances are serious, discipline?the directly liable?persons?in charge and other directly responsible persons?by the competent authority according to the law.
第六章 附则
Chapter VI Supplementary Provisions
第四十五条 本办法自2023年3月1日起施行。天津市人民政府2015年4月20日公布、2015年6月20日第一次修正、2018年4月12日第二次修正的《天津市机动车停车管理办法》同时废止。
Article 45?These Measures shall come into force on?March 1, 2023.?Measures?of Tianjin Municipality for Administration?of?Motor Vehicle Parking?by the Tianjin Municipal People’s Government on April 20, 2015, amended for the first time on June 20, 2015, and amended for the second time on April 12, 2018 shall be repealed simultaneously.