


来源:  市司法局 发布时间:  2021-08-21 16:53


Decree of Tianjin Municipal People’s Government





The Provisions of Tianjin Municipality on Administrative Mediation, which were adopted at the 159th?executive meeting of the municipal people’s government on August 13, 2021, are hereby promulgated and shall come into force as of November 1, 2021.  




天津市市长 廖国勋

????????????????????? Liao Guoxun,

??????????????????????? Mayor of Tianjin

2021821 ??

??????????????????????? August 21, 2021


The Provisions of Tianjin Municipality on Administrative Mediation


第一章 总 则

Chapter I General Provisions


第一条 为了规范行政调解活动,依法化解争议纠纷,维护社会和谐稳定,弘扬社会主义核心价值观,根据有关法律、法规,结合本市实际,制定本规定。

Article 1 These Provisions are formulated in accordance with relevant laws and regulations and in light of the actual conditions of this municipality, for the purposes of regulating administrative mediation activities, resolving disputes in accordance with law, maintaining social harmony and stability, and promoting socialist core values.


第二条 在本市行政区域内,行政机关以及法律、法规授权的具有管理公共事务职能的组织(以下统称行政机关)开展行政调解,适用本规定。法律、法规、规章对行政调解另有规定的,适用其规定。


Article 2 Within the administrative area of this municipality, these provisions shall apply to administrative mediation carried out by administrative authorities and organizations authorized by laws and regulations to manage public affairs (hereinafter referred to as administrative authorities). Where there are special laws, regulations, and rules on administrative mediation, those special provisions shall apply.

The term “administrative mediation” as mentioned in these Provisions refers to the activities of administrative authorities that urge relevant persons to settle disputes by voluntarily reaching an agreement on the basis of equal consultation through coordination, persuasion and other ways.

第三条 行政调解工作应当遵循自愿、合法、公平公正、高效便民原则,不得损害国家利益、社会公共利益以及公民、法人或者其他组织的合法权益。

Article 3 Administrative mediation should be conducted in accordance with the principles of voluntariness, legality, fairness, and efficiency and convenience for the people, and it shall not harm national interests, public interests, and the lawful rights and interests of citizens, legal persons, or other organizations.


第四条 市、区人民政府应当加强对本行政区域内行政调解工作的组织推动,加强行政调解队伍建设,建立健全行政调解与人民调解、司法调解的衔接联动机制。



Article 4 The municipal and district people's governments shall strengthen the organization and promotion of administrative mediation in their administrative areas, strengthen the construction of administrative mediation staff, and establish and improve the coordinating mechanism among administrative mediation, people's mediation, and judicial mediation.

Municipal and district people's governments, township people's governments, and sub-district offices are responsible for administrative mediation arising out of their functions and duties, and the guidance of administrative mediation matters within their systems and units in accordance with the principle of responsibility based on obligations.

The municipal and district judicial administrative departments are responsible for the promotion, guidance, training, and coordination of administrative mediation work within their respective administrative region.


第五条 行政机关应当制定本机关行政调解工作制度,确定统筹本机关行政调解工作的专门机构,可以由该专门机构负责登记、受理行政调解申请并指派本机关承办具体调解工作的机构。


Article 5 The administrative authority shall formulate its own administrative mediation system, designate a special office that coordinates the administrative mediation work for the organ, and the special office is responsible for registering, receiving applications for administrative mediation, and appointing an agency to undertake specific mediation work.

The expenses required for administrative mediation shall be listed in the annual departmental budget, and no fees shall be charged to the party concerned.


第六条 行政机关可以对下列争议纠纷进行调解:



Article 6 Administrative authorities may mediate the following disputes:

(1) Consumer rights protection, traffic damage compensation, public security management, environmental pollution, social security, housing and land acquisition, intellectual property rights, medical disputes, and other civil disputes (hereinafter referred to as civil disputes) that could be mediated by administrative authorities in accordance with laws, regulations, and rules.

(2) Disputes between citizens, legal persons or other organizations and administrative authorities due to administrative compensation, administrative recuperation, and administrative authorities’ exercise of the discretionary power provided by laws, regulations and rules, and other administrative disputes that may be mediated in accordance with law (hereinafter referred to as administrative dispute).


第七条 有下列情形之一的,不适用行政调解:






Article 7 Administrative mediation is not applicable in any of the following circumstances:

(1) A dispute that has been declared admissible by an arbitral organ or a people's conciliation committee or that has been dealt with according to law by an administrative reviewing organ, an administrative adjudicating organ or a people's court.

(2) A dispute that has undergone re-examination and review through letters and visits.

(3) Where an administrative mediation has been terminated or a mediation agreement has been reached through administrative mediation, the applicant applies for administrative mediation again based on the same fact and for similar reasons.

(4) The statute of limitations has expired.

(5) Other circumstances in which administrative mediation is not applicable according to the provisions of laws, regulations, and rules.


第八条 行政机关在受理申请或者组织调解前,应当告知当事人可以通过诉讼、仲裁等其他法定途径解决争议纠纷,并提示当事人行使上述法定救济权利的时效。

Article 8 Before accepting an application or organizing mediation, the administrative authorities shall inform the party concerned that they are entitled to resolve disputes through litigation, arbitration, and other legal means, and remind the parties of the statute of limitations for legal remedy.


第九条 行政调解终止或者达成有效调解协议后,行政机关应当建立调解工作档案,将记载调解申请、登记、受理、过程、协议等内容的相关材料装订成册,立卷归档保存,并定期对行政调解案件量、争议纠纷类型、结案方式等数据进行统计分析,并将统计分析报告报送本级人民政府司法行政部门。乡镇人民政府报上级人民政府司法行政部门。

Article 9 After the administrative mediation is terminated or a valid mediation agreement is reached, the administrative authorities shall establish mediation work files, bind the relevant materials recording mediation application, registration, acceptance, process, agreement, etc. into a book, file and conserve it, and regularly carry out statistical analysis on the number of administrative mediation cases, the types of disputes, and the way of closing cases and submit the statistical analysis report to the judicial administrative department of the people's government at the corresponding level. The township people's government shall report to the judicial administrative department of the people's government at a higher level.



第二章 民事纠纷调解

Chapter II The Mediation for Civil Disputes

第十条 对本规定第六条第一项规定的民事纠纷,当事人可以向法律、法规、规章规定的行政机关提出调解申请。行政机关认为不属于本机关管辖的,应当告知当事人向有管辖权的机关申请。


Article 10 With regard to the civil disputes as prescribed in paragraph 1 of article 6 of these Provisions, the party concerned may apply for mediation to an administrative organ prescribed by laws, regulations, and rules. If an administrative organ believes that a dispute is not under the jurisdiction of this authority, it shall inform the party concerned to submit the application to the authority with jurisdiction.

Where a certain civil dispute is submitted to two or more administrative organs with jurisdiction, the organ that receives the application first shall accept and hear the case. If there is a dispute over jurisdiction, the relative administrative organs shall negotiate with each other; if the negotiation fails and the administrative authorities with jurisdiction dispute belong to the same district people's government, the judicial administrative department of the district shall designate an organ in charge of the mediation; in other cases, the municipal judicial administrative department shall designate an organ in charge of the mediation.


第十一条 申请调解民事纠纷,应当符合下列条件:





Article 11 An application for mediation of a civil dispute shall meet the following conditions:

(1) There are definite parties involved.

(2) The parties concerned have a direct interest in the dispute for which the mediation is applied.

(3) There is a clear and specific request for conciliation, facts, and reasons.

(4) It belongs to the scope of administrative mediation.


第十二条 当事人可以书面方式或者口头方式提出民事纠纷调解申请。








Article 12 The party concerned may submit an application for civil dispute mediation in writing or orally.

For a written application, the application should specify the following items:

(1) Basic information of the applicant and the other party.

(2) Mediation request, facts, and reasons.

(3) The catalog or name of the relevant evidence.

(4) The signature or seal of the applicant.

(5) Application date.

For an oral application, the administrative organ shall record the basic information of the applicant and the respondent party, the mediation request, facts and reasons, the name of the relevant evidence, and the date of application, and the applicant shall confirm it by signature or seal.


第十三条 行政机关收到调解申请后,对于申请材料齐全的,应当予以登记,自登记之日起5个工作日内进行审查并征求对方当事人意见。



Article 13 After an administrative organ receives an application for mediation, if the application materials are complete, it shall register it, conduct an examination within 5 working days from the date of registration, and solicit the opinions of the opposing party concerned.

For those that comply with the provisions of Article 11 of these Provisions and in which the other party expressly agrees to mediation, the administrative authority shall accept the application and serve the administrative mediation acceptance notice to the parties, informing the relevant mediation time, place, and administrative mediator.

For those that do not comply with the provisions of Article 11 of these provisions or in which the other party has not explicitly agreed to mediation, the administrative authorities shall reject the application and serve a notice of rejection to the applicant, informing its decision and the reasons for rejection.


第十四条 行政机关在履行行政管理职责过程中发现属于行政调解范围的民事纠纷,经征得当事人同意,可以主动组织调解;具备当场调解条件的,行政机关工作人员可以当场启动调解。行政机关应当将相关调解情况记录在案。

Article 14 When an administrative organ discovers a civil dispute within the scope of administrative mediation in the course of performing its administrative management duties, it may actively organize mediation with the consent of the party concerned; if the conditions for on-site mediation are met, the staff of the administrative authorities may initiate mediation on the spot. The administrative authorities shall make a record of the relevant situations during the mediation.


第十五条 行政机关应当指派本机关工作人员作为行政调解员,主持调解民事纠纷。


Article 15 An administrative organ shall designate its staff as administrative mediators to preside over the mediation of civil disputes.

For cases with complex legal relationships, major difficulties, and greater impact, the administrative authorities shall invite relevant professionals or organizations to participate in mediation after obtaining the consent of the parties concerned.


第十六条 当事人之外的公民、法人或者其他组织与民事纠纷有利害关系的,可以申请作为第三人参加调解或者由行政机关通知其作为第三人参加调解。

Article 16 Any citizen, legal person, or other organization other than the parties concerned who has an interest in the civil dispute under consideration may apply to participate in the mediation as a third party or may be notified by an administrative authority to participate in the mediation as a third party concerned.


第十七条 当事人、第三人可以委托12名代理人参加调解。当事人、第三人委托代理人的,应当向行政机关提交授权委托书,载明委托事项、权限和期限。当事人不能参加调解的,应当明确委托权限为特别授权的代理人。


Article 17 The party concerned and the third party concerned may entrust one to two agents to participate in the mediation. If a party or a third party entrusts an agent, it shall submit a power of attorney to the administrative authority, stating the entrusted matters, powers, and time limit. If a party is unable to participate in the mediation personally, he or she shall specify an agent whose delegated authority is specially authorized.

If one party concerned are more than 5 persons, 1 to 5 representatives shall be elected to participate in the mediation.


第十八条 行政调解开始时,行政调解员应当核对当事人身份,告知当事人依法享有的权利和应当履行的义务,宣布行政调解纪律,询问当事人是否提出回避申请。

Article 18 At the beginning of administrative mediation, the administrative mediator shall check the identity of the party concerned, inform the parties of their rights and obligations in accordance with law, declare the administrative mediation discipline, and ask whether any party wants to apply for the replacement of a mediator.


第十九条 行政调解员有下列情形之一的,应当回避:





Article 19 Administrative mediators shall be replaced in any of the following circumstances:

(1) Those who are a party to the case or have close relatives with the party concerned or agents of the case.

(2) Those who have an interest in the case.

(3) Those who have other relationships with the party concerned or agents of the case that may affect the fairness of the mediation.

Where a party challenges a mediator, the administrative authority shall make a timely decision on whether to replace the mediator. If the administrative authority decides to replace the mediator, it shall promptly designate a new one; if it decides not to replace the mediator, it shall explain the reasons to the parties.


第二十条 当事人在民事纠纷调解中享有下列权利:





Article 20 The party concerned shall enjoy the following rights in the mediation of civil disputes:

(1) To accept mediation, refuse mediation, or request suspension or termination of mediation.

(2) To voluntarily express their wishes and reach a mediation agreement.

(3) To require mediation to be conducted in public or in private.

(4) Other rights stipulated by laws, regulations, and rules.


第二十一条 当事人在民事纠纷调解中应当履行下列义务:





Article 21 The party concerned shall perform the following obligations in the mediation of civil disputes:

(1) To truthfully state the facts of the dispute and submit relevant evidence.

(2) To observe the mediation order and respect administrative mediators.

(3) To respect the lawful rights and interests of the opposite party concerned.

(4) Other obligations stipulated by laws, regulations, and rules.


第二十二条 行政机关调解民事纠纷,应当保持客观中立,不得偏袒、包庇一方当事人。行政调解员应当充分听取当事人的陈述、质证和辩论意见,在厘清事实、明法析理的基础上,耐心疏导,引导当事人自愿达成调解协议。


Article 22 Administrative authorities shall maintain objective neutrality when mediating civil disputes and shall not favor or shield the one party concerned. Administrative mediators shall fully listen to the party concerned’ statements, cross-examinations, and debate opinions, and patiently guide the party concerned to voluntarily reach a mediation agreement on the basis of clarifying the facts and clarifying the law.

The administrative authorities may carry out mediation in either online or offline ways with the consent of the party concerned in accordance with the specific circumstances of the civil dispute.


第二十三条 行政机关调解民事纠纷,应当在受理通知书送达之日起30日内办结;情况复杂或者有其他特殊情形的,可以适当延长,但延长期限不得超过15日。


Article 23 An administrative organ shall finish a mediating procedure for civil disputes within 30 days from the date of service of the acceptance notice; where the situation is complex or there are other special circumstances, the mediation may be properly prolonged,but the extension shall not exceed 15 days.

Provided special matters such as testing, inspection, quarantine, technical appraisal are required in the mediation, the parties shall negotiate and entrust a jointly recognized specialized agency to do that, and the expenses shall be borne by the parties through negotiation.The time required for testing, inspection, quarantine, and technical appraisal shall not be calculated in the mediation period.


第二十四条 有下列情形之一的,中止调解:







Article 24 In one of the following circumstancesthe mediation shall be suspended:

(1) The party concerned requests the suspension of mediation for justified reasons.

(2) The party concerned is temporarily unable to participate in mediation for reasons recognized by the other party .

(3) In the event of force majeure and accidents .

(4) Other circumstances for which the procedure should be suspended.

Where an administrative authority decides to suspend or resume administrative mediation, it shall notify the party concerned in writing.

The suspending period is not calculated in the mediation period.


第二十五条 经调解达成协议的,行政机关应当制作调解协议书。







Article 25 Where both parties concerned reach an agreement through mediation, the administrative authority shall formulate a mediation agreement.

The mediation agreement shall specify the following matters:

(1)The basic information of the party concerned, third party concerned and entrusted agents.

(2) The disputes and mediation requests.

(3) The contents of the mediation agreement.

(4) Other agreed matters.

The mediation agreement should be signed or sealed by the party concerned and affixed with the seal of the administrative authorities as a witness. One copy of such agreement shall be held by each party concerned and one copy shall be kept by the administrative organ.


第二十六条 当场调解并能够即时履行或者当事人认为不需要制作调解协议书的,可以采取口头协议方式。行政机关应当将争议事项、调解请求、调解结果等调解情况记录在案,当事人以签名或者盖章等方式予以确认。

Article 26 Where a mediation can be performed on the spot and can be performed immediately, or the party concerned believes that there is no need to prepare a mediation agreement, an oral agreement may be adopted. The administrative authority shall record the disputes, mediation requests, mediation results and other mediation conditions, and the party concerned shall confirm them by signature.


第二十七条 调解协议书自当事人签名或者盖章之日起生效;口头协议自当事人确认之日起生效。

Article 27 The mediation agreement shall be effective as of the date when it is signed or sealed by the party concerned; the oral agreement shall be effective as of the date when it is confirmed by the party concerned.


第二十八条 有下列情形之一的,终止调解:










Article 28 In one of the following circumstances, the mediation shall be terminated :

(1) The parties fail in reaching a mediation agreement when the mediation period expires.

(2 ) A party requests the termination of the mediation .

(3) A party is absent without justified reasons or he withdraws the mediation halfway.

(4) The mediation result involves the interests of a third party, and the third party disagrees to the mediation.

(5) A party died or terminated, and there is no successor to his rights and obligations.

(6) The case is accepted by arbitration institution or people's mediation committee.

(7) The people's courts and administrative adjudication authorities have already dealt with it in accordance with the law.

(8) Other circumstances for which the procedure should be terminated.

Where a mediation is terminated, the administrative authority shall prepare a notice of termination of mediation and serve it on the party concerned; In case of on-the-spot mediation, the relevant information shall be recorded, and there is no need to make a separate notice of termination of mediation after the party concerned have confirmed it by signature.


第三章 行政争议调解

Chapter The Mediation for Administrative Disputes


第二十九条 对本规定第六条第二项规定的行政争议申请行政复议或者提起行政诉讼的,在行政复议机关作出复议决定或者人民法院作出判决、裁定之前,作出行政行为的行政机关征得当事人同意后,可以在行政复议机关或者人民法院的指导下进行调解。但是,原行政行为的承办人不得担任行政调解员。


Article 29 Where a party concerned applies for administrative reconsideration or institutes an administrative litigation for any of the administrative disputes stipulated in Subparagraph 2, Article 6 of these Provisions, the administrative authority taking relevant administrative action may, before the administrative reconsideration authority makes a decision or the people’s court makes a judgment or ruling and after obtaining the consent of the party concerned, carry out mediation under the guidance of the administrative reconsideration authority or the people’s court. But the functionaries taking the original administrative action shall not act as the administrative mediator.

Where citizens, legal persons or other organizations other than the party concerned have an interest in the administrative dispute, the administrative authority shall notify them to participate in the mediation.


第三十条 行政机关调解行政争议,不得影响依法履行行政管理职责,不得以行政调解代替行政执法。行政调解员应当听取当事人的陈述,向当事人讲解相关法律、法规、规章和政策规定,告知当事人行政执法依据、理由和相关考虑因素,答复当事人的疑问。

Article 30 The mediation of an administrative dispute shall not affect the performance of administrative duties according to law, and an administrative mediation shall not replace administrative law enforcement. The administrative mediator shall listen to representations of the party concerned, explain relevant laws, regulations, rules and policies to the party concerned, notify the basis, reasons and relevant factors considered for the law enforcement to the party concerned, and reply questions of the party concerned.


第三十一条 行政机关调解行政争议,应当自当事人同意调解之日起20日内办结。

Article 31 The mediation of an administrative dispute by an administrative authority shall be finished within 20 days since the party agreed to start the procedure.


第三十二条 经调解达成协议的,行政机关应当记录协议内容,制作行政争议调解书。行政争议调解书应当由争议双方签名或者盖章并各执一份。

Article 32 Where an agreement is reached through mediation, the administrative authority shall record the contents of such agreement, and prepare an administrative dispute mediation statement.The administrative dispute mediation statement shall be signed or sealed by both parties in dispute and each party shall hold a copy.

第三十三条 当事人认可原行政行为或者行政机关按照调解协议改变原行政行为的,当事人撤回行政复议申请或者撤回起诉;行政机关改变原行政行为的,应当撤销原行政行为,重新作出行政行为,并告知行政复议机关或者人民法院。

Article 33 Where the party concerned accepts the original administrative action or the administrative authority changes the original administrative action in accordance with such agreement, the party concerned shall withdraw its application for administrative reconsideration or withdraw the litigation; where the administrative authority changes the original administrative action, it shall cancel the original administrative action, take an administrative action anew, and notify the administrative reconsideration or the people’s court.


第三十四条 行政机关与当事人在规定期限内未达成协议或者当事人要求终止调解的,行政机关应当终止调解。

Article 34 Where the administrative authority is unable to reach an agreement with the party concerned or the party concerned requires the termination of mediation, the administrative authority shall terminate the mediation.


第四章 法律责任

Chapter Legal Liability


第三十五条 行政机关违反本规定,不履行、违法履行或者不当履行行政调解职责的,由上级有关机关责令改正;造成严重后果的,由有关机关依法追究责任。

Article 35 Where an administrative organ, in violation of these Provisions, fails to perform, illegally performs or improperly performs its duties of administrative mediation, the relevant authorities at a higher level shall order it to make corrections; If serious consequences are incurred, the relevant authorities shall investigate for responsibility according to law.


第三十六条 行政调解员有下列行为之一的,由其所在的行政机关责令改正;情节严重的,依法给予处分;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任:








Article 36 If an administrative mediator commits any of the following acts, the administrative authorities to which he belongs shall order him to make corrections; If the circumstances are serious, they shall be punished according to law;if a crime is involved, the offender shall be held criminally liable in accordance with law.

(1) Practicing favoritism and taking sides in either party concerned.

(2) Suppressing, insulting or retaliating against the party concerned.

(3) Soliciting property or accepting property or seeking other illegitimate benefits.

(4) Disclosing state secrets, trade secrets or personal privacy known in the process of administrative mediation.

(5) Neglecting to perform administrative mediation duties and delaying mediation for a long time.

(6) Having a bad attitude towards the party concerned and causing adverse effects.

(7) Other acts that affect the fairness of the mediation or that damage the legitimate rights and interests of the party concerned.


第三十七条 当事人违反本规定,有下列行为之一的,由行政机关给予批评教育;构成违反治安管理行为的,由公安机关依法给予治安管理处罚;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任:





Article 37 If a party concerned violates these Provisions and commits any of the following acts, the administrative authorities shall give criticism and education;The police authorities shall impose penalties on the violation of public security administrative law; if a crime is involved, the offender shall be held criminally liable in accordance with law.

(1) Insulting, threatening, or beating the administrative mediator or the opposing party concerned.

(2) Disturbing the order of administrative mediation.

(3) Forging evidence materials.

(4) Other acts that interfere with or obstruct administrative mediation.

第五章 附则

Chapter Miscellaneous


第三十八条 本规定所称的当事人包括民事纠纷的双方当事人和行政争议的行政相对人。

Article 38 For the purpose of these Provisions, a party concerned refers to either a person in a civil dispute or a private person in an administrative dispute.


第三十九条 本规定自2021111日起施行。

Article 39 These Provisions shall come into force as of November 1, 2021.




