Decree of Tianjin Municipal People’s Government
No. 21
The “Administration Measures of Tianjin Municipality on Administrative Law Enforcement Supervision Platform”, which were adopted at the 135th?executive meeting of the municipal people’s government on December 26, 2020, are hereby promulgated and shall come into force as of March 1, 2021.
天津市市长 廖国勋
????????????????????????????????????????? Liao Guoxun,
Mayor of Tianjin
December 12, 2020
Administration Measures of Tianjin Municipality on Administrative Law Enforcement Supervision Platform
第一章 总 则
Chapter I General Provisions
第一条 为了规范行政执法监督平台的使用和管理,加强行政执法监督,全面落实严格规范公正文明执法要求,维护公民、法人和其他组织合法权益,根据有关法律、法规规定,结合本市实际,制定本办法。
Article 1 In order to regulate the use and management of the supervision platform for administrative law enforcement, strengthen the supervision of administrative law enforcement, fully implement the requirements of strict, fair and civilized law enforcement, and safeguard the lawful rights and interests of citizens, legal persons and other organizations, these measures are formulated in accordance with relevant laws and regulations and in light of the actual conditions of this municipality.
第二条 本市行政执法监督平台的运行和维护,以及信息的归集、使用等管理活动,适用本办法。
Article 2 The current regulation applies to the operation and maintenance of this municipality’s administrative law enforcement supervision platform, as well as management activities such as the collection and use of information.
第三条 本办法所称行政执法监督平台,是指市和区人民政府运用信息化技术建设的,用于归集和使用本市各级行政执法机关的行政执法相关信息,实施行政执法监督的信息系统。
Article 3 The “administrative law enforcement supervision platform” mentioned in this regulation refers to the information system constructed by the municipal and district people’s governments using information technology to upload and use the administrative law enforcement related information of the municipal administrative law enforcement authorities at all levels and to implement administrative law enforcement supervision.
第四条 归集和使用行政执法监督平台信息,应当遵循公开、全面、及时、准确和客观公正、分级管理、有错必纠的原则。
Article 4 The collection and use of information within administrative law enforcement supervision platform shall follow the principles of openness, comprehensiveness, timeliness, accuracy, objectivity and fairness, hierarchical management, and correction for all errors.
第五条 本市行政执法监督平台管理工作应当落实党中央、国务院中国足球彩票坚持依法行政和法治政府建设的决策部署和市委部署要求,构建规范高效的制约监督体系,保证行政权得到依法正确行使,保证公民、法人和其他组织合法权益得到切实保障。
Article 5 The management of the administrative law enforcement and supervision platform of this municipality shall implement the policy of the Party Central Committee and the State Council on adhering to administration rule of law and the construction of a government rule of law. It shall also follow the requirements of the municipal party committee, with an aim to construct a standardized and efficient supervision system to ensure that administrative power be exercised correctly in accordance with law, and that the legitimate rights and interests of citizens, legal persons and other organizations be effectively protected.
第六条 各级行政执法机关应当加强对行政执法监督平台的保密管理,做好对涉及国家安全、公共安全、商业秘密、个人隐私等数据的保护工作。
Article 6 Administrative law enforcement authorities at all levels shall strengthen the confidentiality management of the administrative law enforcement supervision platform, and do a good job in the protection of data involving national security, public security, business secrets, personal privacy, etc.
第七条 市司法行政机关应当在推广应用行政执法综合管理监督信息系统方面与北京市、河北省司法行政机关加强合作,协同推动实现标准统一的行政执法监督信息汇聚、共享,全面提高行政执法监督工作效能。
Article 7 The municipal judicial administrative authorities shall strengthen cooperation with Beijing and Hebei judicial administrative authorities in the promotion and application of the administrative law enforcement comprehensive management and supervision information system, promote to realize the gathering and sharing of unified standard administrative law enforcement supervision information, and comprehensively improve the work efficiency of administrative law enforcement supervision.
第二章 管理职责
Chapter II Management Responsibilities
第八条 市人民政府全面负责中国足球彩票行政执法监督平台管理工作。区人民政府负责本区行政执法监督平台管理工作。
Article 8 The municipal people's government shall be fully responsible for the management of the municipal administrative law enforcement supervision platform. The district people's government shall be responsible for the management of the district's administrative law enforcement supervision platform.
第九条 市司法行政机关具体负责行政执法监督平台的管理工作,组织市级行政执法机关通过行政执法监督平台进行信息归集和使用。区司法行政机关在市司法行政机关的监督下,组织本区行政执法机关通过行政执法监督平台进行信息归集和使用。
Article 9 The municipal judicial administrative authorities undertake the daily management of the administrative law enforcement supervision platform and organize the municipal administrative law enforcement authorities to collect and use information through the administrative law enforcement supervision platform. The district judicial administrative authorities shall, under the supervision of the municipal judicial administrative authorities, organize the district's administrative law enforcement authorities to collect and use information through the administrative law enforcement supervision platform.
In the case of vertical affiliation, the municipality-level administrative law enforcement authorities shall organize the district-level administrative law enforcement authorities to collect and use information through the administrative law enforcement supervision platform.
Development and reform, finance, auditing, market supervision, government service, cybersecurity and other departments shall, in accordance with the division of responsibilities, do a good job in the administrative law enforcement supervision platform.
第十条 各级行政执法机关负责归集本机关行政执法基础信息和行政执法信息。
Article 10 All levels of administrative law enforcement authorities are responsible for the collection of basic administrative law enforcement information and administrative law enforcement information in any specific case.
第十一条 市、区司法行政机关以及各级行政执法机关应当对信息的归集和使用进行规范,利用行政执法监督平台开展数据分析、案卷评查、考核考评等行政执法监督工作,促进行政执法信息化建设,提高政府治理能力现代化。
Article 11 The municipal and district judicial administrative authorities and administrative law enforcement authorities at all levels shall regulate the collection and use of information, and take advantage of the administrative law enforcement supervision platform to carry out administrative law enforcement supervision such as data analysis, files evaluation, assessment and evaluation, in order to promote the construction of administrative law enforcement informatization and to improve the modernization of government governance capabilities.
第三章 信息归集
Chapter III Information Collection
第十二条 本市实行行政执法全过程记录制度。各级行政执法机关应当按照执法环节将行政执法信息归集到行政执法监督平台。
Article 12 This municipality shall implement a record system for the entire process of administrative law enforcement. Administrative law enforcement authorities at all levels shall upload administrative law enforcement information into the administrative law enforcement supervision platform in accordance with law enforcement procedures.
第十三条 市司法行政机关根据司法部有关数据交换技术的规范,组织制定本市行政执法监督平台行政执法基础信息和行政执法信息规范。各级行政执法机关应当按照规范要求归集信息,保证所归集信息的质量,并对所归集信息的合法性、准确性、真实性负责。
Article 13 The municipal judicial administrative authority shall adopt specific rules concerning administrative law enforcement basic information and administrative law enforcement information in accordance with the relevant data exchange technology specifications of the Ministry of Justice. Administrative law enforcement authorities at all levels shall collect information in accordance with regulatory requirements, ensure the quality of the collected information, and be responsible for the legality, accuracy, and authenticity of the collected information.
第十四条 向行政执法监督平台归集信息,可以采取直接录入、在线办案和系统对接等方式。
Article 14 Various methods such as direct entry, online case handling, and system docking may be adopted when uploading information to the administrative law enforcement supervision platform.
第十五条 行政执法监督平台归集的行政执法基础信息应当包括以下内容:
Article 15 The basic administrative law enforcement information collected by the administrative law enforcement supervision platform includes the following contents:
(1) Administrative law enforcement organs and agencies responsible for law enforcement.
(2) The situation of judicial administrative authorities.
(3) The situation of the administrative law enforcement authority responsible for the supervision of administrative law enforcement.
(4) The situation of the administrative law enforcement authority responsible for the review of application of law.
(5) List of powers and responsibilities of administrative law enforcement authorities.
(6) The legal basis for the administrative law enforcement.
(7) Administrative law enforcement matters.
(8) Administrative law enforcement document templates, procedures and standards.
(9) Basic information of officials in charge of administrative law enforcement, administrative law enforcement supervision, legal review, etc.
(10) Other basic administrative law enforcement information that shall be collected on the administrative law enforcement supervision platform.
第十六条 行政执法基础信息需要变更的,行政执法机关应当在信息内容发生变化后15日内,向同级司法行政机关提出变更申请,经审核同意后变更行政执法基础信息。
Article 16 If the basic information of administrative law enforcement needs to be changed, the administrative law enforcement authority shall submit an application of revision to the judicial administrative authority at the same level within 15 days after the information changes and change the basic information of administrative law enforcement after review and approval.
The judicial administrative authority shall complete the review within 5 days after receiving the application of revision.
第十七条 向行政执法监督平台归集的行政执法信息包括:行政检查、行政许可、行政处罚和行政强制等行政执法行为的有关信息。
Article 17 The administrative law enforcement information collected on the administrative law enforcement supervision platform shall include: administrative inspection, administrative license, administrative punishment, administrative enforcement, and other relevant information on administrative law enforcement actions.
第十八条 各级行政执法机关不得随意更改已经归集到行政执法监督平台的行政执法信息。确需更改的,行政执法机关应当向同级司法行政机关书面提出更改申请,经同意后进行更改。
Article 18 All levels of administrative law enforcement authorities must not arbitrarily change the administrative law enforcement information that has been collected on the administrative law enforcement supervision platform. If it is quite necessary to make a change, the administrative law enforcement authority shall submit a written application to the judicial administrative authority at the same level, and make the change after approval.
第十九条 通过直接录入方式归集行政执法信息的,行政执法机关应当在每个执法环节完成后3个工作日内,将行政执法信息归集至行政执法监督平台;行政处罚决定送达后未执行终结的,行政执法机关应当定期将行政处罚决定的执行情况归集至行政执法监督平台。
Article 19 Where administrative law enforcement information is collected by direct entry, the administrative law enforcement authority shall upload the administrative law enforcement information to the administrative law enforcement supervision platform within 3 working days after each law enforcement is completed; If the execution of the administrative penalty decision is not completed after being served, the administrative law enforcement authority shall periodically aggregate the implementation of the administrative penalty decision to the administrative law enforcement supervision platform.
If the administrative law enforcement information is uploaded through the system connection method, the administrative law enforcement information shall be uploaded to the administrative law enforcement supervision platform in a timely manner in accordance with the connection standards of the administrative law enforcement supervision platform.
第二十条 各级行政执法机关应当根据日常行政执法、重大执法活动和实现执法全过程记录的需要配备执法设备。
Article 20 All levels of administrative law enforcement authorities shall be equipped with law enforcement equipment in accordance with the needs of daily administrative law enforcement, major law enforcement activities and the realization of records throughout the law enforcement process.
The law enforcement equipment shall be economical and effective, and the equipment shall not be used for work that is unrelated to administrative law enforcement.
第四章 信息使用
第二十一条 行政执法监督平台的行政执法基础信息、行政执法信息和相关统计结果,可以作为行政执法监督的依据。
第二十二条 市司法行政机关可以使用行政执法监督平台上归集的全部信息;区司法行政机关可以使用行政执法监督平台上本区行政执法机关归集的信息。
Article 22 The municipal judicial administrative authorities can use all the information stored on the administrative law enforcement supervision platform, and the district judicial administrative authorities can use the information stored by the district administrative law enforcement authorities on the administrative law enforcement supervision platform.
The municipal administrative law enforcement authorities can use all the information stored on the administrative law enforcement supervision platform, and the district administrative law enforcement authorities can use the information stored by their own authorities on the administrative law enforcement supervision platform.
第二十三条 按照“谁执法、谁公示”的原则,各级行政执法机关应当使用行政执法监督平台公示功能,通过统一的行政执法信息公示平台公示行政执法决定信息,接受社会监督。
Article 23 According to the principle of "the organ which enforces the law is responsible for publication", administrative law enforcement authorities at all levels should use the publicity function of administrative law enforcement supervision platform to publicize the information of administrative law enforcement decisions through a unified administrative law enforcement information publicity platform, and accept social supervision.
第二十四条 已公开的行政执法决定被依法撤销、确认违法或者要求重新作出的,行政执法机关应当及时从行政执法信息公示平台撤下原行政执法决定信息。
第二十五条 已经归集到行政执法监督平台的信息,应当按照国家及本市的相关规定实现部门之间的共享。
Article 25 The information that has been uploaded on the administrative law enforcement supervision platform shall be shared among departments in accordance with the relevant provisions of the state and this city.
第五章 监督方式
Chapter Ⅳ Supervision Mode
第二十六条 市、区司法行政机关和各级行政执法机关应当利用行政执法监督平台,加强对行政执法人员的执法业务培训、考核,依法对行政执法证件实施管理。
Article 26 Municipal and district judicial administrative authorities and administrative law enforcement authorities at all levels shall use the administrative law enforcement supervision platform to strengthen the law enforcement training and assessment of administrative law enforcement personnel, and implement management of administrative law enforcement certificates in accordance with law.
第二十七条 各级行政执法机关应当按照行政执法监督平台设置的行政执法程序、数据标准和时限归集行政执法信息,防止将不符合要求的行政执法信息归集到行政执法监督平台。
Article 27 Administrative law enforcement authorities at all levels shall collect administrative law enforcement information according to the administrative law enforcement procedures, data standards and time limits set by the administrative law enforcement supervision platform to prevent administrative law enforcement information that does not meet the requirements from being uploaded on the administrative law enforcement supervision platform.
第二十八条 市、区司法行政机关应当通过现场监督、案卷评查和处理投诉举报等方式,对行政执法机关在行政执法监督平台归集的行政执法信息的全面性和完整性进行核查。
Article 28 The municipal and district judicial administrative authorities shall verify the comprehensiveness and integrity of the administrative law enforcement information collected by the administrative law enforcement authorities on the administrative law enforcement supervision platform by means of on-site supervision, files evaluation and handling of complaints and reports.
第二十九条 市、区司法行政机关可以根据行政执法监督平台的功能制定行政执法考核项目和考核规则,利用行政执法监督平台对同级人民政府所属行政执法机关开展执法考核。
Article 29 Municipal and district judicial administrative authorities may formulate administrative law enforcement assessment items and assessment rules based on the functions of the administrative law enforcement supervision platform, and use the administrative law enforcement supervision platform to conduct law enforcement assessments on the administrative law enforcement authorities under the people's government at the same level.
The municipal administrative law enforcement authorities may formulate administrative law enforcement assessment items and assessment rules based on the functions of the administrative law enforcement supervision platform, and use the administrative law enforcement supervision platform to conduct law enforcement assessments on the district administrative law enforcement authorities.
The municipal and district judicial administrative authorities shall verify the comprehensiveness and integrity of the administrative law enforcement information collected by the administrative law enforcement authorities on the administrative law enforcement supervision platform by means of on-site supervision, files evaluation and handling of complaints and reports.
第三十条 市、区司法行政机关应当制定行政执法案卷评查工作计划和评分标准。
Article 30 The municipal and district judicial administrative authorities shall formulate work plans and scoring standards for the evaluation of administrative law enforcement files.
Administrative law enforcement authorities at all levels shall use the administrative law enforcement supervision platform to randomly select administrative law enforcement files based on the files evaluation work plan and scoring standards formulated by the judicial administrative authorities at the same level, and evaluate and score the law enforcement documents and law enforcement procedures in the files.
第三十一条 本市实行行政执法监督平台数据分析定期报告制度。市级行政执法机关应当向市人民政府报告数据分析情况,区级行政执法机关应当向本区人民政府和相应市级行政机关报告数据分析情况。
Article 31 This municipality implements the regular reporting system for data analysis on the administrative law enforcement supervision platform. The municipal administrative law enforcement authorities shall report the data analysis to the Municipal People's government, and the district administrative law enforcement authorities shall report the data analysis to the District People's government and the corresponding municipal administrative authorities.
第三十二条 各级行政执法机关作出重大执法决定前,应当根据国家和本市规定进行法制审核。
Article 32 Before making major law enforcement decisions, administrative law enforcement authorities at all levels shall conduct legal review in accordance with the provisions of the state and this municipality.
The municipal and district judicial administrative authorities shall supervise the legal review of major law enforcement decisions of the administrative law enforcement authorities through the administrative law enforcement supervision platform.
第三十三条 市人民政府行政复议机构可以通过行政执法监督平台,按照职责权限对各区人民政府行政复议机构的工作进行监督。
Article 33 The administrative reviewing agency affiliated to the municipal people's government can supervise the work of the administrative reviewing agencies affiliated to the district people's government in accordance with its duties and powers through the administrative law enforcement supervision platform.
第三十四条 行政执法机关有下列情形之一的,由本级人民政府或者上级机关给予通报批评,责令改正;对主要负责人和直接责任人,由有权机关依法给予处分;涉嫌犯罪的,移送司法机关处理:
Article 34 In one of the following circumstances, the administrative law enforcement authorities shall be given a public?criticism by the people's government at the corresponding level or the authority at a higher level and ordered to make corrections; the main responsible person and the directly responsible person shall be punished by the competent authority according to law; if a suspected crime is involved, it shall be transferred to the judicial authorities :
(1) Failure to provide administrative law enforcement supervision platform information as required;
(2) The uploaded information to the administrative law enforcement supervision platform is wrong or incomplete, and has adverse effects;
(3) Falsifying or fabricating the information of the administrative law enforcement supervision platform;
(4) Disclosing or divulging the information of the administrative law enforcement supervision platform in violation of provisions;
(5) Failure to complete the management of the administrative law enforcement supervision platform as required;
(6) Using administrative law enforcement supervision platform information for commercial activities;
(7) Ultra Vires, disclosing the information of the administrative law enforcement supervision platform that is not collected and managed and generated by statistical analysis by this authority;
(8) Others that do not upload or use administrative law enforcement supervision platform information as required.
第六章 附 则
Chapter Ⅵ Miscellaneous
第三十五条 本办法所称行政执法机关,是指依法行使行政执法职权的行政机关,以及经依法授权行使行政执法职权的组织。
第三十六条 本市其他行政执法监督或者行政执法业务信息系统建设,参照行政执法监督平台信息规范执行。
Administrative law enforcement authorities at all levels may, in accordance with the provisions of these measures, formulate specific implementation rules for the management of administrative law enforcement supervision platforms.
第三十七条 本办法自2021年3月1日起施行。《天津市行政执法监督平台管理暂行办法》(2015年市人民政府令第17号)同时废止。